Uncollected Examination Certificates

We have a large number of uncollected Examination certificates from previous years (2014 - 2018). If these are not collected by the end of November, earlier years will be destroyed. The Exam board cannot issue duplicate certificates but can issue a 'certifying statement of results' at a cost of £35 per certificate. If you have not collected your certificate(s) can you please arrange for them to be collected as soon as possible. The summer 2019 certificates will be available for collection in November.

FORM ROOMS 2019/20

Year 7

Andromeda - CO04
Canis - CA09
Draco - CA11
Hydra - MY01
Indus - MY08
Lyra - CA15
Mensa - MY04
Orion - CA12
Perseus - CO02

Year 8

Andromeda - CA18
Canis - AF02
Draco - CA04
Hydra - AF08
Indus - AF01
Lyra - AF05
Mensa - MY06
Orion - CO01
Perseus - CO08

Year 9

Andromeda - CO06
Canis - AF03
Draco - CA07
Hydra - CA08
Indus - CA20
Lyra - CO22
Mensa - CA27
Orion - CA21
Perseus - CA16

Year 10

Andromeda - CO14
Canis - CA31
Draco - CA10
Hydra - CA30
Indus - MY03
Lyra - CA06
Mensa - AF04
Orion - CA28
Perseus - CO12
Scorpius - MY15

Year 11

Andromeda - MY07
Canis - CO03
Draco - CA05
Hydra - CO13
Indus - CO11
Lyra - MY09
Mensa - CO15
Orion - MY14
Perseus - CO05

Year 12

Andromeda - CO10
Canis - CO09
Draco - MY12
Hydra - CA03

Year 13

Draco - CA13
Hydra - CA19

Return to School

Hope you all had an enjoyable summer, a reminder that all pupils return to school on Thursday 5th September. Attendance to school is extremely important and pupils should arrive in school by 8.40am.

Please can you make sure that pupils are wearing the correct school uniform and please be aware that mobile phones are not permitted in school at anytime. Phones which are seen will be confiscated.

Zero-Tolerance Mobile Phone Use

A reminder that from 5th September 2019 there is a zero-tolerance to the use of students using mobile phones in school. Pupils will not be permitted to use mobile phone devices at any time during the day and any phones seen by staff will be confiscated and stored safely for collection at the end of the day. Please refer to our website for the full policy. Thank you for your continued support.


Press Release GCSE Results 2019

Ysgol Gymunedol AberdârAberdare Community School


Year 11 pupils at Ysgol Gymunedol Aberdâr – Aberdare Community School have this year produced the schools best ever set of exam results since coming onto the Ynys site. The school is particularly pleased that they have seen an increase in nearly all main headline results.  These pleasing results are down to the commitment and hard work of the pupils, the support of their families and the dedication and high expectations of teaching staff. These young people need to be congratulated for their tremendous achievements. We are delighted with our pupils’ success and wish them well for the future.

 We would also like to congratulate our Year 10 learners who also received some examination results today.

 Among the many outstanding performances in Year 11 who achieved at least five or more A*/A grades were; 

 Molly Evans

Jack Jones

Megan Rowlands

Minh Cao

Amina Hameed

Catrin Price

Kaitlin Richards Tang

Kimberley Kevis

Haesel Hogarth

Sorina Nistor

Megan Brown

Nicole Parry

Jake Dixon Mears

Will Hughes

Ellie Beasley