Pupils are welcome to attend with their parents after the school day has ended. The event ends at 6pm.
Child of Wales Award
Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus!
Hot Chocolate Friday
Pupils celebrating 'hot chocolate Friday' with the Headteacher. Da iawn to all of them. Keep up the good work and the fantastic attitude to learning!
Coronavirus Update
Over the past 48 hours, we have taken advice from Public Health Wales and they have informed us that the area of our recent ski trip to Slovenia falls outside of any of the designated isolation zones currently in force. We receive regular advice from the local authority and the latest update we have as of this morning is shown below.
Information from RCT local authority – 26/02/20
Updated advice has been provided in relation to the Coronavirus. The case definition has changed to include a wider range of countries.
In summary the advice is broken down into two categories:
Category 1:
Travellers should immediately self-isolate, even if asymptomatic (no visible signs of illness), and call NHS Direct (Wales) to inform of recent travel.
Category 1 countries are: Wuhan city and Hubei province (China), Iran, Daguerre or Cheongdo (Republic of Korea) and any Italian towns under containment measures.
Category 2:
Travellers do not need to undertake any special measures, but if they develop symptoms they should self-isolate and call NHS Direct (Wales)
Category 2 countries are; Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Italy (north), Japan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam.
Please refer to the following link as it has maps. This will allow people to identify whether they are in category 1 or 2 more easily.
Individuals will need to check if the countries they have visited areas under containment measures by referring to the maps included in the above link. If they were in within a category 1 area then they will need to self-isolate, even if well, and contact NHS Direct (Wales) on 0845 46 47.
If they were not within the containment areas they will only need to self-isolate if they become ill with a fever, shortness of breath or cough.
Please note that advice gets updated daily on the Public Health website and the attached advice from Welsh Government still applies.
The full statement from public health wales can be found at the following link.
The following poster gives advice on what to do if symptoms are experienced and hence please can all read this carefully.
Welcome Back
We start back tomorrow 24/02/20 on Week B Our Theme of the Week is Wales | Cymru Year 9 Parents evening is this Thursday 27th February Flood Support If you or anyone you know has been affected by the recent floods please refer to the following information from RCT Tweet - @RCTCouncil "All schools will open as normal on Monday, Feb 24. A uniform hardship fund of £100 per child will be available to any child whose home is affected by internal flooding (on top of the £500 Community Flood Recovery Grant – Hardship Payment). More details will follow in due course If you have any Transport or Education queries, the following phone numbers may be helpful: Transport queries: 01443 425001 Education queries: 01443 281162"
RCT Flooding Support Update
Tweet - @RCTCouncil All schools will open as normal on Monday, Feb 24. A uniform hardship fund of £100 per child will be available to any child whose home is affected by internal flooding (on top of the £500 Community Flood Recovery Grant – Hardship Payment). More details will follow in due course If you have any Transport or Education queries, the following phone numbers may be helpful: Transport queries: 01443 425001 Education queries: 01443 281162
FAME! Celebration
Celebrating our incredibly talented students and staff who put on an amazing production of FAME! #StriveBelieveAchieve