Consultation: arrangements for summer 2020 exam series
This consultation by QiW sets out how standardisation and appeals will work for this year’s GCSE, AS and A level grades, following the cancellation of exams due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Below you will find the detailed consultation document, alongside a shorter summary version aimed at young people and a survey designed to encourage you to share your views.
Please take some time to read these documents and respond to the consultation before 5pm on Wednesday, 13 May 2020.
Consultation: Arrangements for summer 2020
Consultation: Questions document
Presentation: An overview – Arrangements for summer 2020 exams
Home Learning Letter 29/04/20
Dear Parent/Carer,
The COVID-19 virus has meant that we have all had to make changes to the way we live our lives. During this time, the health and wellbeing of learners and their families is the priority. Although Aberdare Community School has closed to most children, their learning will need to continue in a different way. The most important thing for your children is to make sure that they are able to stay safe and keep learning.
We are continuing to make plans for your children to receive learning outside of the school setting. We are developing a whole school home learning strategy to decide the most appropriate form of home learning. We are aiming at providing opportunities for learners to engage independently in their own time and are working hard to create a range of experiences for learners to work through at their own pace. We are refining a system where all learners work will be accessed through our school website via Moodle. All our learners are familiar in this digital platform and a Moodle “how to” guide for learners, carers and parents are included in this letter and on our Home Learning section of the school website.
From Friday, on our website, there will be a timetable for each year group along with a clear breakdown of the work for the following week for each subject. This will include what work is set and where to find it, start date, completion date and any further instructions needed to complete and submit the work. By being able to access this work every Friday, the learners can use their time to prepare and plan for the following week.
However, as a school we recognise that many children and others in their households will be experiencing significant stress and uncertainty at this time. Therefore, placing excessive burdens on pupils in terms of the amount of work they are expected to complete would be profoundly unhelpful. We also recognise that the demands on parents and other adult members of children’s families at present may make it difficult for them to provide an environment conducive to extensive periods of home learning. Therefore, the timetable and work is a guide for your children and for you as parents/carers. To support all our parents and carers there is a Home Learning Guide for parents/carers available in the Home Leaning section of the school website.
We are also mindful of the fact that many children and young people live in households with no or limited access to the internet or to the technology required to make use of online resources. If this is the case, please inform your child’s Progress Leader via the school email
As these unforeseen and unprecedented times continue, we, as a school, will constantly be reviewing our home learning provision and will make changes or amendments where needed. These will be communicated directly to you via email and our school website.
Should you have any concerns or queries regarding any issues of home learning, please contact your child’s progress leader via
All staff at Aberdare Community School are very much missing our learners and their families and look forward to the time when we can come together as a school community once more.
In the meantime, stay safe and keep learning.
Mrs Emma Harris
Assistant Headteacher
Year 8 Learning Pathways (Options) Final Choice.
Year 8 into Year 9 final learning pathways (options) choices need to be made by Monday 4th May 2020. Please follow the link below and complete the online options form. You will need to log in with your school email and password.
A copy of the link has been sent to your school email address.
Choosing a course and university
By Cardiff University School Liaison
Careers Wales
Parents! @CareersWales are running a live Q&A session across their Facebook and Twitter channels on Thursday 23 April 2pm – 3pm to answer any concerns you may have around your child’s future opportunities.
Keep checking their social media channels for further information.
If you’re worried about your child’s future opportunities or have questions you’d like answered, why not take part in @CareersWales live Q&A session on Thursday 23 April 2pm – 3pm. Keep an eye out on Careers Wales Facebook and Twitter channels for further updates.
Creativity & Confidence at Home For Children - Celebrity Messages 2
FAO learners attending the New York Educational Visit:
After some queries regarding payment for the trip, the following advice has been sent from the travel company:
As there is currently no government advice related to travel in 2021, we cannot advise you at this time as to how the situation will proceed.
However, we have now confirmed both the flight times and coach transfers so I would therefore suggest the following course of action.
Due to the social-distancing rules being enforced, payments for the New York trip will be suspended. Payments will then resume when the policy towards reopening schools has been decided. I would like to stress that this does not mean that the trip has been cancelled in any way; merely that taking payments is not viable at this time.
I would like to extend my thanks for your understanding during this difficult time and I welcome any questions/ queries via my school email (