Year groups:
Year 7 - RSPCA - £1650
Year 8 - Velindre - £2160
Year 9 - Noah's Ark - £546
Year 10 - Rowan tree Cancer Care - £532.70
Year 11 - Cancer research wales - £941.18
Years 12/13 - Sepsis/Prom - £561.80
In addition to this, the school also raised money for the following worthy causes:
Macmillan - £250
Alzheimer's Society (Memory walk) - £250
Jeans for Genes - £300
Children in Need - £175
Shelter Cymru - £690.93
Teenage Cancer Trust - £635
Poppy Appeal - £315
This equates to a grand total of £9007.61. I am sure you will all agree that this is a tremendous achievement and a big thank you and well done to all those involved. This money will help so many individuals and our community as a whole.