Here’s Mr Keenan’s learner of the day! Anaya has proved herself mathematically time and time again! Today her hard work paid off with getting 100% in her test! Fab work! #12LearnersofXmas
Mr Davies’ learner of the day is Connor Jones, year 11! Excellent work solving algebraic fractions #day11 #christmas #kids
Miss Baynham’s learners of the day are Maddie Creedon and Kyla Williams for their excellent results after hard work during revision! #christmas #day11 #maths
Miss Ridley’s learner of the day is Kyanna Hayton for her excellent effort #Christmas #day11
Mrs Leyshon’s learner of the day is Jack Jones-Gibbon year 11 for winning the Christmas quiz! #christmas #day12 #maths
Miss Baynham’s learner of the day is Keira-Leigh Thomas for her excellent use of welsh in the classroom! She chose to share her reindeer with the girls, da iawn Keira! #christmas #maths #day12
Mrs Innes Leaners of the day! Even more special as they were chosen by their peers for their effort!!! Ethan Bevan and Rhian Dixon #hardworkpaysoff
Mr Davies’ Learner of the Day. Jack Jones, 100% Test mark, absolutely superb!