Dear Parent/Guardian from Monday 8th October, there will be a zero tolerance stance on mobile phones, headphones and other devices anywhere in the building as per our policy. If seen, devices will be confiscated.
We would very much appreciate your support with this matter in an attempt to further improve learning and teaching experiences and reduce any element of conflict. If you need to contact your child urgently, please ring reception.
Mobile Phone Procedures
There is a zero-tolerance policy on the use of mobile phones, headphones and other devices anywhere in the building unless under staff direction to support learning and teaching. If a student is in possession of a mobile phone in the school, the phone is expected to be switched off and in the student’s bag.
If a student is seen with a mobile phone the member of staff will confiscate the phone and place it in reception. If the student complies and hands over the phone, the student can collect the phone from reception at the end of the day.
If a student refuses to hand over the phone, then a senior member of staff will attend as soon as possible to confiscate the phone. The phone will be taken to reception and a parent/guardian will be contacted and will need to collect the phone. The student will receive a detention for failure to comply with school rules.