Pupils in art have been working on an antibullying project to symbolise that we at ACS are standing together against bullying.
Pupils working on posters in their ICT lessons to highlight cyber bullying and who go to for help.
Y11 Parents’ Evening
A reminder that we have a parents’ evening on Thursday 27th October 2022. This is a hybrid evening with online video appointments from 3:15pm and 4:30pm and an on-site parents evening with face-to-face interviews between 4:45pm and 6:00pm. All appointments are booked on SchoolCloud.
ACS Community Coat Exchange
Thanks to all of your generous donations we are pleased to announce that the ACS Community Coat exchange is now open 😊
If you know someone in need of a coat, scarf, hat or gloves this winter please tell them to head to our main reception where they can help themselves to whatever they may need.
If you have any of the items listed that you no longer use, please consider donating them to help us to keep more people warm this winter.
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Good afternoon,
Just a quick thank you to everyone who supported our Macmillan Coffee Morning last Friday, September 30th 2022. The event was a complete success and we sold out of all of our cakes within 10 minutes so were very pleased to help raise funds for this charity.
Once again many thanks for your ongoing support of our charity fundraising efforts as we seek to help and support those within our community.
Best wishes
Mr Lovell
Assistant Head
Dear Parent/Carer,
As harvest time is approaching we would be very grateful if you could support us in our harvest assembly. The assembly will be held on Friday October 7th. Together, we hope to support our community, by contributing items which will be donated to the Merthyr and Cynon Valley Foodbank, operated by the Trussell Trust.
We would be very grateful if you could support us, as you are able, by donating a minimum of one item from the list below, as these are the items that are currently in most need by the Foodbank.
Tinned rice pudding
Tinned tomatoes
Tinned fruit
Tinned soup
Tinned meat
Packets of mashed potato
Cartons of long-life juice (not from the chiller cabinet)
Cartons of long-life milk (not from the chiller cabinet)
Pot Noodles (but no pasta)
Please can items be brought in to school and given to your son/daughter’s form teacher by Thursday 6th October 2022 at the latest. Thank you in advance for your support as we celebrate harvest and work towards helping those in our community.
Year 5 / 6 Open Evening
Bank Holiday - Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the state funeral is scheduled to take place on Monday 19th September.
As you will be aware, following the sad passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the state funeral is scheduled to take place on Monday 19th September.
Aberdare Community School will be closed on this day as this will be a designated bank holiday.
We have been requested by the local authority to advise our parents and carers of this at the earliest opportunity so that appropriate arrangements can be made.